After a year of work, the #AREsketches Visual Study Guide, vol. 1 is available for purchase! This lady is hot off the presses and sitting on the L² website waiting to help you get licensed. Head on over to the website (link in profile) and grab yourself one – and sign up for the newsletter while you’re at it. Those cool cats heard about the book being live first. Happy studying!

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Inspiration #13

Inspiration #13

This is the latest in a weekly post of residential architecture inspiration. If you want to see past weeks, you can go here. If you want to see them curated on my pinterest (sometimes before they even hit the blog), go here. This week we’re...

When #NationalBeerDay lines up with #AREsketches publishing day…all is right in the world of this #youngarchitect. And by “all is right” I mean that you can find me skipping and screaming around my house, beer in hand. A year’s worth of late nights and working weekends went into this and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome.

Want to see these in a weekly roundup, including the top 3 all performing? Sign up here! via Instagram