The path of a young architect: #AREsketches book no.2 – how did we get here?!


While wrapping up the production on the second volume of the AREsketches study guide series, I started thinking back to where it all started and about what the testing process was like. I also thought about how my path is not so different from those testing now and it would be worth sharing some of those insights, so here goes. Pep talk time.

If you had told me this time two years ago that as a part of the path of a young architect, I would publish 2 books, I would’ve said that you’d gone insane. Lost alllllllll your marbles. I wasn’t even licensed yet, was preparing to take my final test, and was in a job I wasn’t necessarily thrilled about. I didn’t know where the future pointed, but I knew I was going to work hard and give everything I could to a profession I was – and still am – passionate about.

This is you.

Yes, your path will look different. Yes, your testing journey may be shorter – or longer. Yes, you’ll probably do something different, but equally awesome, when you’re done testing.

The point is you don’t know.

The hardest part about starting to test, and approaching each individual test, is the unknown. But here’s the thing: the unknown is what you make of it. You can either sit in the corner scared, or you can embrace it and charge forward towards your future.

the unknown is what you make of it. The Path of a Young Architect via

The world is your oyster – as they say.

What they forget to mention as a part of that cute little saying is that you have to dig and search and pry at things sealed tightly from your grasp to get to the value of your oyster. You’re going to spend late nights and many weekends studying. My passion for the profession and for people like you meant that when I was done testing, I transferred those 20 hours a week of studying to other aspects of architecture. And when people testing, like yourself, asked about my sketch notes, I put some of those hours towards creating and sharing them. For the last two years, that accounts for a total of 205+ hours and counting. And I will continue to invest time in them for as long as they’re helpful.

This second study guide is just the next step in the journey for me. Just as test number 1, or 4, or 8 is for you. So hit the books and rest assured, I’m hitting them with you to make more sketches.

Good luck!


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