#ThisOldHouse Inspiration: cast iron tub

It’s been about a month since the last #ThisOldHouse blog – so it’s time for some more inspiration! The house came with the original cast iron tub and I knew after a couple weeks of planning that it would stay in the full bath.

The downside of old things is that they’re, well…old. Which means they show some wear. In the case of 125 years of wear, this cast iron tub has a wear spot at the drip line all the way through the porcelain enamel. Below is a quick sketch I did when trying to explain the wear spot to a friend.


I have done some research to figure out how to re-glaze it (which will be another post in and of itself), so onward I went to find inspiration.

Cast iron tubs are one of those pieces that can either be ornamentalized or minimalized. From the last inspiration blog, I’m sure you can guess which way my tendencies lean. Below was one of the first bathrooms I pinned with a cast iron tub. It even pre-dates #ThisOldHouse. I was drawn to the continued use of the pipes, as well as the elegance of the foot being different than the rest of the tub basin. Now that I revisit it, the owner did an amazing reno on an old restroom with this as the outcome. Similar sizing to the full bath for #ThisOldHouse, but the plumbing layout will make it slightly different.



Some more simple options, with a splash of color.





There are lots of pieces that go into a well-designed cast iron tub shower system. Obviously there is the tub itself, but you must also think about the curtain (and its rod) and the actual plumbing system that makes it a tub. Ceiling mount? Tub mount? Wall mount? End or side? These next couple inspiration images look at a variety of those options.









And so you have it. Did it inspire you to take on a new project? I’d love to hear about it. It definitely helped me answer some questions about my design. To follow the inspiration and renovation of #ThisOldHouse as it happens, follow and share with me on Twitter or Instagram. If that’s not enough to feast your fancy, all of the social links are at the top of the page.

Until next time,


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